good rock/new metal singer
and in no way did i mean nu metal in a bad way your a good singer man!~ keep it up dude i like your work!
good rock/new metal singer
and in no way did i mean nu metal in a bad way your a good singer man!~ keep it up dude i like your work!
Thank you very much, I am pleased that you dig it. Please download and check out my other stuff if you get the time.
yeah cool voice, i always like to hear when people play guitar instead of using a stupied synth guitar any ways keep up the good work, check out some of my new stuff you might like it, i also play guitar ~ just wish i could sing
Get your girlfriend or a friend to sing for you?
the song as a hole was a great piece! my only beef is that maby you could of used a heavyer tone for the latter stuff, but hey thats mostly just personal prefrence! love the song man, keep it metal!
nothing like a good dose of METAL
and there is plunty here great job man, love the riffs!
Thanks a lot. More where that came from!
sounds diffrent than the other version
diffrents not always bad, i like the waltsY feel this has.
i guess i only listend to it cus it said acoustic, so i thought it was guitar but hey it wasnt and i still liked it, good job! 5/5
cheak some of my newer music out.
Thanks! I guess I'm old-old-old school, to me anything with guitars in it (even synthesized ones) counts as "acoustic", but I understand why it may not.
Loved what I've listened to of yours so far - most excellent work! I couldn't do actual guitar like that, but I could probably whip up a wicked keyboard varation. ;-) Thanks again, & keep playing hard! :-)
not sure about the double bass at the beggining
but great peace, guitar genorators arnt my thing either. i hope you will be able to find some one to help you out with this peice becuese it has lots of potentiol. cheack some of my stuff out and if you like it i might be able to help you with the guitar here.
Removed the double pedal at the beginning, thanks for that tip. I like both your acoustic and electric work, but the recording quality of the latter one wouldn't do =/
Would love to work on an acoustic collab sometime though ;D
enjoyed the song
it reminds me alot of tool in a good way
wtf is up with all the emo names haha
listen to my new song sands of time.. im grounded stay away from drugs! haha i didnt and look were im at!
o yeah good ambiant song !
Ok sure thing and thanks ;)
chocobo's are gay so is final fanta-crap
blah blach blachblah......... common review stuff sounds like this and that good song ......... for a game boy thingy what ever
any ways send me a friend request. cuz your under age and i cant send u one!
alright man.....
Been with this site for some years now, and happy to keep uploading beast music!
Age 34, Male
Audio Production
Class of 09
Joined on 1/14/07