i like the fucking chewbacka scream in there lol, this song was pretty cool for a electronic song !
i like the fucking chewbacka scream in there lol, this song was pretty cool for a electronic song !
i am a drummer myself and wondering?
pretty sure you useing a drum machine to make these but no sure (i was suprely happy not to hear any stupied BLAST BEATS i think those things a gay) any ways like the change ups, espichaly the snare and tom rolls close to the end!
ive always been a fan of your stuff
this just like the rest is great, altho it dose sound simaler to alot of punk songs.... all punk songs sound similler haha, like the taping solo thingy (is that what it was?) any ways diggin the song. Cheak out some of my stuff..... each one of my songs is way diffrent from each other you might likeit.. (love the ending to you song to)
garage band is cool
i might be wrong but this sounds like it was made in a garage band type program , any ways i dig the bass it sounds SLICK!!!! keep up the good work
piano roll!
yeah there is way to much over lapping other that that its alright, i would suggest piano roll on the synths so the dont all build up in to that anoying AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA noise, and the drums are also premade.... altho im diggin that chior or what ever that back ground noise is that sounds like people humming
not this song again.... it sounds like ur hitting sour notes early in the start of this one..... strange
Not really, Its just piano fun anyways :)
effects are cool
you useing a talk box? regardless this sounds cool, nice to hear some rock for once on this sight!
I'm using a wah-wah peddle along with some judicial palm muting, thumb tapping, pinch harmonics etc... Electric guitar is definitely the funnest instrument!
wow that sounded like a tool song
i love tool, 9 then it got like funky, i also luv the funk part to it to! what do you record with ?
Thanks. I used to exclusively use Sony Acid Pro 5.0 but now I use Audacity. I may start using Audition but for now, all I use is Audition and Sony Acid Pro 5.0.
Whats this? a serius song!
wow i really loved (backing voacls were very swell!) this is actually one of my favorite songs writen by you. Keep up the steller work i enjoy it alot!
well, i dont want to state the allready commonfact
you guys are pretty good i liked, besides the ears renching bad quality it sound good, what are you useing to recored with ??? like the stuff tho!
def use only TWO things, literally, a program calle "nuendo" that someone bootlegged for me and a six inch internet stick mic meant for only talking online DEF not for music... but its all we got haha and thanks for the kudos man
Been with this site for some years now, and happy to keep uploading beast music!
Age 34, Male
Audio Production
Class of 09
Joined on 1/14/07